Member since ‎2007 Apr 30

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Hi, I have an SAP system that's setup with Redwood RunMyJobs and we've added an application server. However, when I go to the SAP system "Environment--> SAP" and look at application servers, it doesn't show the new one. Is there some refresh that n...
Hi All, I am trying to get the monitoring templates from Solution Manager 7.1 to Solution Manager 7.2. I got to "MAI_TOOLS" and then go to "Template Maintenance", go the custom template, and the "Copy Custom Template" selection is grayed out, as is...
Hi All, When I'm using ChaRM in SolMan 7.2 when I go under action and select "Set Production Status" the auto-import into Prod isn't completed. This is for a Continual Cycle. Any help is appreciated.
Hi, I'm having an issue where when I go to BSP /bc/bsp/sap/crm_ui_start/default.htm aka, CRM_UI TCODE, the areas above where you make a selection are black and unreadable. You have to hover over the blocks and you can't even see what that's there...
Hi, I need to export a HANA table with data and I need to have that file be password protected. I see there's a "scramble" option for a CSV, but I don't understand if that's just to create test data. What I really need is a password protected file ...
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