Member since ‎2010 Feb 14

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Transporting only changed / modified / created holidays and holiday calendars from development to quality and production system. Transporting holiday and holiday calendar changes are not like transporting any other SAP HR configurations. Reason: SA...
Hello Team, My requirement is as follows: For one particular PA PSA pair Maharashtra ptax grouping was assigned and ptax was getting deducted according to Maharashtra state for last 1 year. but correct ptax grouping for that PA PSA pair is K...
Hi,Maharashtra professional tax slab has been changed from 01.07.2014, is there a SAP note released for this?Thanks,Javed Shaikh
Hello All,There is an issue with ptax for state of madhya pradesh.One of my employee was in state of maharahtra till August 2013 so ptax was properly calculated till aug 2013 as 200 per month, now from 1st of sept 2013 employee transferred to Madhya ...
Dear Experts,I am trying to excute pc00_m40_pny for Pension form 7 (PS), everything displaying correctly but employees' pension account number is getting displayed just as his pension number from Infotype 0587 (say 2293), what I want is in this forma...