Hello Stephan,The table controls of the library sap.ui.table will also be available in future.The library sap.ui.commons which contains basic bread and butter controls like Label, Text, Input, etc. is deprecated for a very long time and was replaced ...
Hello Sebastian,
thanks for giving us this feedback.
Yes, the table library will get the dependency to sap.m always because we want to benefit also from other code, utilities, etc. which already is available there.
You are right. This might have a...
Hello Mahenaz,
What you describe sounds like the responsive behavior of the sap.m.Table (ResponsiveTable) control. This is an expected behavior for that control. Maybe an alternative could be the GridTable. The tybleType can be defined on SmartTable...
Hello Hashim,
Do you mean date or datetime? In the description you only mention date but type is DateTime. The setting above covers date and time cases only.
You may also try the setting
<core:CustomData key="dateFormatSettings" value='\{"UTC":true...
Hello Michael,
some of the settings are mentioned in the SmartTAble FAQ: https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/#/api/sap.ui.comp.smarttable.SmartTable%23faq
Unfortunately not all Obviously we need to improve our documentation here.
I'll take this wit...