Hello Everyone,
I am not able to convert SOLI_TAB to TLINE Structure perfectly,
i have used CONVERT_STREAM_TO_ITF_TEXT FM to convert, it is not working as expected
after the conversion the words are split and some words are merged into single w...
Hello Experts,
how to map the inbound mail to the Inbox in SBWP T-code using Function modules or classes ?
I am using the 'send_email' method of class 'cl_crm_email_utility_base' to send the Email to the External Email id and it is saving i...
Hello Experts,
I have created custom genil component and I have a requirement to search an entity based on different field conditions in sap crm web ui.
Can you suggest me with possible solution.
Thanks and regards,
I am not able to enable the save and cancel buttons in the overview page while clicking on edit button in the assignment block.
How to enable the buttons?
Can anyone please help me with the solution.
Hello Keshav,I have to the table of strings to the TLINE and by using the CONVERT_STREAM_TO_ITF_TEXT,i am not the getting the output as desired i.e. as i have given the input.it is spliting the word and mixing, it is changing the entire meaning of th...
I Have Used the same code for search but the error raised in the select query.
So, I have solved it by placing inverted commas in the iv string when the fields are Char data type.
Thanks & Regards,
Yes, I have placed the breakpoints and debugged , So the problem lies with the global edit attribute how make edit as global?
Can you please suggest me with this?