Member since ‎2016 Nov 18

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I want to programmatically change the color to Black when printing (FieldObject, TextObject).I've found a way, but it's not perfect.My Code here..List<FieldObject> fldobjitems = rd.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects.OfType<FieldObject>().ToList();foreach...
I have a problem with Round function in Crystal report for .NET version 13.0.2000.0i use MariaDB 10.1 md_test_mixing.curr_batch_sa : FLOAT(5,1)md_test_mixing.prev_batch_sa: FLOAT(5,1)The two fields contain 40.3 and 37.6.and Formula in report is...ToT...
The sections of the report are as follows.Name : ReportHeaderSection1, Kind : ReportHeader Name : PageHeaderSection1, Kind : PageHeader Name : DetailSection1, Kind : Detail Name : DetailSection6, Kind : Detail Name : DetailSection2, Kind : Detail Nam...
hi. I have downloaded the Crystal Report 2016 trail version and found that there is a problem with Korean font processing during the test.As with the attached image, the text is offset to the right.There is no left or right blank for all text.The ...
hi...I installed the CR2016 trial version and tested it with the report file created with CR2013.Like the attached image, most of the text in the Text Object overlaps. Is there a workaround for this issue?thanks...
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