Hi all,
I need to calculate a value of Z field in VIQMEL when the user is creating or editing PM notification ( trans. IW21/2).
I use user exit EXIT_SAPMIWO0_009 (Transfer Notification Data from User Screen) where I can edit the VIQMEL entry.
Hi all,
I am trying to add fields to the dynamic selection in FBL1N and FBL3N.
I've seen Note 188663 and 310886 which explain how this should be done and which tables I can use for this purpose, but after adding my Z fields to struc. REPR_APPEND ...
Dear community members,
We use an old version of My Travel & Expenses Fiori app for ERP6.0.We are looking for a way to simulate reimbursement amount for different routes (both meals per diem and accommodation) the same why the 'refresh' button of r...
I'm trying to run CS14 with proper settings to compare sub-items(extended view), but yet sub-items are not considered nor displayed.
Any advice?
I need to have a Autocomplete funcshunality in an account field. I read in http://blog.acorel.nl/2012/04/smart-value-help-svh-in-sap-crm.html about smart value help but the problem is the this field has no search help assind to it in get_v metho...
Got a tip from a team member that solved my problem - getting the values from the screen using FM DYNP_VALUES_READ:DATA: ls_dynpfields TYPE dynpread, lt_dynpfields LIKE TABLE OF ls_dynpfields, * get fecod from screen ls_dynpfields-fieldname = 'VI...
Hi Raymond, thanks for your reply.This doesn't return any data in qmfe (when calling without i_buffer it returns the saved data).Am I doing something wrong?APPEND e_viqmel TO lt_viqmel.CALL FUNCTION 'READ_NOTIFICATION_POSITION'EXPORTINGi_buffer = aba...
Hi Pete, thanks for your reply.Do you know standard FM I could use to get the values in this scenario? I couldn't find any.And I didn't understand your second suggestion (I am from the ABAP team), could you explain?