I am attempting to create a location dimension on a model against a live connection to HANA. I am using https://www.sapanalytics.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Creating_Geo_model_from_LiveHana_updated.pdf as a reference.
I can see the calculation...
1. We successfully implemented a SSL certificate for our BI4.2 SP06 Tomcat and browser shows valid.
2. BOE LDC is deployed
3. We are able to create a connection to BOE via SAC
4. Webi works with same universes that might be utilized via SAC.
I have created an external command that runs a PowerShell script that makes an SSH connection to a R Server running on Linux and then runs an RScript command to execute a saved R script.
I am able to run the command from PowerShell successfully but...
I found in documentation that HANA KNN Nearest Neighborhood is not supported for Expert Analytics standalone. We have a good model built on this algorithm and would like to use it on a regular basis as well as leverage the scheduled retraining capabi...
Is it possible to configure global preferences for the Fiorified BI Launchpad similar to the classic BI Launchpad for a group of users?For example, I would like to set the preferences for a group of users to see Corporate Categories instead of My Hom...
Seems there is something specific to the HANA system I am using. I will probably need to end up logging support ticket on this issue. I've pretty much narrowed it down to something about the HANA views, but there is nothing that is obviously sticki...
Only difference for us is the HANA is 2.0 SPS04. I think I am going to have to log a support ticket on this one as I've been through all the relevant notes, and read through all the blogs I could find. I have pretty much been able to narrow it do...
I was able to get this deployed and can train models. However, when I attempt to activate, it runs as "Activating" and then returns to "Ready" rather than "Active." I am not seeing the additional data available in the app. I am working with Overdu...