Dear Siva, I have searched for similar topics, and found, that this is rather an LO-MD-BOM related question, based on the message you get. "as standard you cannot use CSAP_MAT_BOM_CREATE to create alternative BOM's.The only, in SAP standard existing,...
Dear Soumya, Free Goods functionality is not enhanced for AFS. The transaction VBN1 is not enhanced for AFS i.e., you can't maintain the free good quantity at the grid value level. For AFS material if you maintain free goods quantity, when you create...
Hello Aditya, Could you please rephrase your question?I do not fully understand what you mean under: "Can I know option for processing GR for such produced apparel pieces?"Many thanks and sorry for the extra request.Adam
Dear Sridahr, You mentioned it is an error message. Each error message has an own identification number. Could you please let me know the number of that error message, instead of the test?Many thanks, RegardsAdam