Member since ‎2014 Sep 30

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HI,SSO Configured properly between BOBJ 4.2 SP05 using steps in Everything works fine when using Olap sso connection in WEBI and Analy...
Hello, I made a Dashboard App using Lumira Designer 2.2, Uploaded it on BO BIP 4.2 SP05, Correctly Mapped onto the OLAP connection BW DEV (made in CMC) and everything works fine on BI Platform. APP and Data Source both are of DEV BW . Dashboard I...
Hi, I am using Lumira Designer 2.2 when using offline data source I saw the option in Discovery to join two offline data sources using left outer join using unique Key, I have two queries now Live BW data which I would like to join using a unique fie...
css-problem.jpgHi, I am making a dash board which needs a Check Box Group , the thing is that by changing the CSS background I am able to have the background black , but I had tried and tested everything to change the font color but nothing seems to...
Hi, Made a dash board , added Technical Components > Export PDF , after making a button and writing script behind it, on clicking that button file saves in pdf as one chart/component on one page which is bad, I want to export dash board as it looks i...
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