Confirmation is Overdue for PR Item". For the situation type there is no rule available in the template. When we click on Add new the search results are empty. How do we add a rule in the recipient section?PROCDOC_OVERDUEPRITEM
While creating a situation type in Manage situations we need to either add a responsibility rule or team members under recipients section. In our case there when we click on Add the search results are empty. How to configure the rules in manage respo...
I am not able to see 1 of the purchasing organisation in the central procurement. Where do we maintain it apart from the SPRO connected system settings for central procurement?
When the auto PO creation job is setup using "Scheduled Purchasing jobs" app, the created by field in the PO displays the name of the job creator not of the PO creator. Can this be changed to the requestor name or the purchaser name?
When we create a PR from Ariba guided buying and the PR is replicated to CP, the PR cannot be modified further due to an error. "Material is not available for plant"
Whereas, when we create the PR directly in Central procurement the PR get...
Hello @Dr_Joerg_Rett,Correct me if I am wrong Joerg, but I guess the email content and the URL can be modified from the app Manage Email notifications.Hello @senahb ,Please use the below templates from the app Manage Email notifications.YY1_EMAIL_TEM...
Hello Joerg, In our case we cannot see either the teams or the rules in the app. This is for the situation type procdocoverduepritem. We have activated the services CA_RSM_RESPYRULES_SRV and maintained the teams as well
Hello,I am not able to see the Teams or rules in the recipient section of the Situation type app for PROC_OVERDUEPRITEMTOCONFIRM. What could be the root cause. I have all the admin roles and plus I have created couple of teams which are enabled in M...
Hello Angelika,I am trying to create a situation type for the below variable.PROC_OVERDUEPRITEMTOCONFIRMWhen I go to the recipient section to add the recipients by either team or rule there is no option displayed in the search results when I click on...