This blog post meant to be really quick one and I will just scratch the surface for the Release 2020 within PS module.
If you plan to upgrade to the release 2020, obvious recommendation is to run extensive regression testing, at least for key busine...
SAP has recently introduced the Planning functionality based on the ACDOCP table. While for the moment it has very little practical application from a functional perspective, the potencial is clearly there. I think we can expect future functionaliti...
Dear Colleagues,
I can see that BSEG-HRKFT in ACDOCA was renamed from the Origin Group into CO subkey.
Same time there is a new Origin Group field HKGRP. That is a bit confusing, so how the CO subkey is used and why the technical name for Origin ...
Dear Colleagues,
I get an error KI 249 during PR creation and it seems like the reason for the error is a WBS and a Profitability Segment assignment at the same time. While I do assign WBS manually, it is not clear how the Profitability Segment get...
Many implementations are not exploring a full potential of the standard functionality within PS reporting. In this short post I will discuss one of such functionalities that is very useful for any project manager and can be used also for the data qu...
This is how the standard system works. Upon GR/SR it became the Actual cost, therefore commitment (as a future expected cost) is reduced.If you need a figure that summarizes external procurement cost you can do a custom report that bundles commitment...
Hi Sebastian,The classic solution would be a default user status that prevents Release, but is automatically removed upon Settlement rules status. If you use AuC with IM it can get a bit more complicated as rules are generated upon Release, but not s...
Hi,Just to share one option, you can block account assignment on Level 1, so that will force creating further levels for account assignment elements.Regards,Paulo
Transaction CNMASSSTATUS is not intended for any Status Profile changes, you have the field on selection criteria just for the purpose to identify the User Status itself. That is because the User Status exist only in the context of specific User Stat...
Hi,That must be a customizing behind user statuses. It is possible to set or remove user statuses in dependence to system statuses that are linked with business transactions.If that happens automatically you can be sure it is by design.Regards,Paulo