Member since ‎2016 Mar 04

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  • 20 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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Hello, I have created a Fiori-Application in the BAS. We now want to use some npm-Dependencies from GitHub, for example: "devDependencies": {"ui5-task-translationhub": "github:DerGuteWolf/ui5-task-translationhub#semver:^1.0.1"} The following e...
Hi, I have an Fiori-Elements-App with local Annotations. I have created an entity that is used as a ValueHelp. Like this: <Annotations Target="Metadata.ZMainEntity/ZReferenceID"> <Annotation Term="Common.ValueListWithFixedValues...
Hello, I am using the FM BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN for adding notifications to the objectlist of a CS-Order. That is working fine. I also customizied the Order-Notification-Integration, so that when I add a notification a Operation will be automati...
Hello, I implementing some simple Apps using the QuickCreateComponent. I dont use it in Context of the CoPilot, its a simple Fiori-Application on S4 1909 and ECC 750. (SAPUI5 1.78) I define the Annotations with the Annotation-Modeler in the Web-I...
Hello, we have a kapsel-based offline SAPUI5-Application. There are two scenarios where we made POST-Requests on associations on the same root-entity. The model is like: RootEntity -> SubEntity1 RootEntity -> SubEntity2 These two "SubEntiti...
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