I found below error log from b1servertools-stderr*.log. It is repeated too many times.
how to resolve it?
Local Exception Stack:
Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.7.4.v20190115-ad5b7c6b2a): org.eclipse.persis...
I am created control tabstrip with 2 tabs inside screen SAPLXWOC 0900 of enhancement IWO10018.
Then set Function codes "ZTAB1", "ZTAB2" into tabs TAB1 and TAB2.
Following error message has appeared when I try to switch between tabs.
How can I...
Hi ABAPers, I am newbie on ABAP. I was used FM DB_CRYPTO_PASSWORD for encrypt string. But this FM returns length is only 40 chars (encrypted string length) .How can I extend this length of encrypted string?
And I changed User command module below. The activetab's value is same with the tab's function code.*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
I added custom Function codes into tables T185 and T185F. use Transaction code VFBS.And I changed Function codes to "Z9T1" and "Z9T2" for meet to the requirement "Customer namespace reservation". Now my codes are works perfect. Thanks for all replies...