Hi ,Here is the solution..Use FM 'DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE' , Please the below code in place of 'Clear : p_vbelp' (in bold above) in your code . DATA : it_dyn TYPE TABLE OF dynpread , WA_DYN TYPE DYNPREAD.WA_DYN-FIELDNAME = 'P_VBELN' .WA_DYN-...
Ok ...lets do it in other way...In include - LSTXXFTE ,FM 'SAVE_TEXT' will get triggered , whenever user add any text in the PC Editor .In both of your cases, some texts are manually entered in the PC editor(for both Tcodes-IE01/2,, that means 'SAVE...
Keep below parameters as shownvar_insert = 'X' .var_direct = 'X' .if error is trigering .. then let me the value of sy-subrc and error .if sy-subrc = 0 .use READ_TEXT to read as above and check .
Hi,How did you know text is not generated ?Call FM save_text .... ....---> If sy-subrc = 0 .(keep the break-point here and in another session,manually execute(in SE37) function READ_TEXT passing same parameters values i.e Text name, Text ID, Text ob...
Hi,1. When in create mode (IE01) long text is manually entered before savingIn this case system is not overwriting the manually entered long text with text from code .In the above case, keep the values like beow and uncomment the exceptions .var_in...