Once up and running it's a good system landscape, up to this point it's a tough way to go and should only be considered with a good understanding of BTP infrastructure and SAML2 / OAuth protocols.We are using it in a productive environment having an ...
Hii huh,we have figured out two options for us which are working quite well, depending on the overall implementation:Option 1 - Smart ElementsUse available Smart Elements to increase implementation speed and reduce efforts. Of course, is not with ann...
For me, it is totally annoying switching the Design tool every year ...SAP Build --> Axure RP --> Adobe XD --> Figma --> What's coming next year?(Sketch in parallel)SAP provides a description of how to copy stencils from Figma to other tools:https://...
Hey Ankur,following the blog post which you have shared, this config should be validwdisp/system_0 = SID=BTP, EXTSRV=https://xx.cpp.cfapps.eu10.hana.ondemand.com/, SRCURL=/report
In addition, you need to configure the correct rewrite URL/report --> ...
Hey there,I assume you are configuring the URL for your Target mapping with BTP hostname. Since this is different from the one of your local Fiori Launchpad it will cause the redirect.For your desired approach, you would need to set up a SAP WebDispa...