Where can we find the roadmap for Universal Allocation in S/4 HANA? What are the latest features available in S/4 HANA 2023 OP version? When will WBS element be supported as a sending cost object, or when will WBS settlement be supported? Th...
Hi Jens,
Do you have any updates on when this feature (dynamic time selection for 0CALYEAR and 0FISCPER) will become available in SAC with BW Live Connection? It is extremely frustrating for our business end-users that they cannot do range filteri...
Hi Jens,
Very helpful and detailed blog! Do you know how to get dynamic time handling in SAC for BW Live models that do not have 0DATE? Example 0CALMONTH (Calendar year/month), 0CALYEAR (Calendar year), or 0FISCPER (Fiscal year/period)? Many mo...