Member since ‎2013 Jul 10

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Hi All, The contract has created REC level and due to termination of one of the floor, contract condition has to be segregated/Mover to RO level. To do the changes of the condition need to end the REC level contract and RO level condition has to be...
Hi Team, This question is regarding to module Real Estate(RE-FX). In one of the contract Valuation parameter, user has added the new time-slice and run the valuation, and in the in the Valuation tab, I can able to see t the calculated values. But j...
Have done SAP certification in 2013, and post completing the certification have received SAP S User ID. However, now the SAP having expire date and my certification is linked to Suser ID.Post expire of S user can user Suser ID as certification refere...
difference s4HANA vs central finance
what is the difference between S4 HANA and Central finance