Member since ‎2015 Jun 18

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  • 25 Posts
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Hi, I need to add e new column (t001w-WERKS) to table control in Different Data view (XK03/Purchasing data). below Different Data button in purchasing data view of vendor master: below the table control: thanks
Hi guys, I need to view my button additional data only to screen of purchasing data of the XK01/02/03. Now i see the button to all screen view. Can you help me?
Hi guys, I Have SAP FIORI and SAP S4HANA 1610.There is Fiori application to create sales order?thanks
Following is Transformation:<?sap.transform simple?><tt:transform xmlns:tt="" xmlns:ddic="" xmlns:def="">  <tt:root name="RO...
Hi all,please help me with this serious problem:I created the consumer proxy with wizard using a WSDL file (attached) I activated the consumer proxy and created on SOAMANAGER reference / port to retrieve from SAP (with the same WSDL file attached) I ...
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