Member since ‎2008 Sep 17

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Hi,I am trying to simulate rule resolution in development through tcode pfac but when I click on  simulate rule resolution (Shift + F8) nothing is happening. However same thing is working fine in quality system. I tried to simulate standard rules als...
Hi,I got below error at production server. Please suggest how to reslove this error.<br><br><br>Runtime Errors DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR<br>Exception CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB<br>Date and Time 02.01.2011 15:55:06<br>-<br><br>-<br><br>...
Hi,I got below error at production server. Please suggest how to reslove this error.<br><br><br>Runtime Errors DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR<br>Exception CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB<br>Date and Time 02.01.2011 15:55:06<br>-<br><br>-<br><br>...
Hi,I want to add screen 'Incident/Accident Log: Edit User-Defined Texts and Documents ' in CBIH72 just like CBIH82. Kindly let me know Is it possible or not, if yes then how.Thanks.
while bdc recording, if some error occurs then it also get recorded. is there any way to pause bdc at that point?