Hi,I am trying to simulate rule resolution in development through tcode pfac but when I click on simulate rule resolution (Shift + F8) nothing is happening. However same thing is working fine in quality system. I tried to simulate standard rules als...
Hi,I got below error at production server. Please suggest how to reslove this error.<br><br><br>Runtime Errors DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR<br>Exception CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB<br>Date and Time 02.01.2011 15:55:06<br>-<br><br>-<br><br>...
Hi,I got below error at production server. Please suggest how to reslove this error.<br><br><br>Runtime Errors DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR<br>Exception CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB<br>Date and Time 02.01.2011 15:55:06<br>-<br><br>-<br><br>...
Hi,I want to add screen 'Incident/Accident Log: Edit User-Defined Texts and Documents ' in CBIH72 just like CBIH82. Kindly let me know Is it possible or not, if yes then how.Thanks.
Hi Umakant,Goto Tcode -NACE and Select Application EF Purchase Order and in that select the OUTPUT TYPE NEU which will give the standard Driver Program and form name. which u can copy and modify ur smartform and the driver program based on ...