Member since ‎2004 Aug 02

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  • 139 Posts
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The TL;DR; VERSION If you don’t have the energy to read all of this – why don’t you take a look at the video I’ve recorded in SAP TechEd Las Vegas a few weeks ago. Raising Kids in the Netflix age My kids are spoiled. They belong to a generation gro...
While Digital Transformation isn’t a new term, the concept of ‘Digital Experience’ has been evolving over the past year as UX, design, mobility, collaboration and content services have advanced and consolidated in the cloud. All leading analyst firms...
Hi ,We are currently experiencing an outage on the HCP Trial which is caused by HANA upgrade in that landscape.The effected functionality is that the Fiori Configuration Cockpit (FCC) is unavailable – Users can’t manage/edit and configure their FLP s...
Its that time of the year - where we pack out bags, refine our demos, finalize our presentations and say goodbye to all of our office toys...The SAP Portal Product Management team is going to d-code && TechEd. First Las Vegas and then Berlin.We know ...
In recent years, I'm not blogging as much as I used to. I'm very happy to let other colleagues, way more talented, to blog about the UI and Portal topics. Whether it's aviad.rivlin UX roundup for d-code or vera.gutbrod's comprehensive summary of port...