2880002:In the OVP page, right click and navigate to the technical help.
Click on the Application configuration for example BS_OVP_CU.Change the indicator value of Edit Mode to Rea...
Program SAPLMEGUI Include LMEGUICIS METHOD transport_from_model.Modify the internal table lt_texttypes and make displaymode = abap_true by Implicit EnhancementPass this table to FM 'MMPUR_TEXT_EXP_SUBSCREEN'.
Program SAPLMEGUI Include LMEGUICIS METHOD transport_from_model.Modify the internal table lt_texttypes and make displaymode = abap_true by Implicit EnhancementPass this table to FM 'MMPUR_TEXT_EXP_SUBSCREEN'.
Hi,You need pass the row number as well.Use the below code to generate the row number : DATA: zlv_fieldname TYPE usmd_fieldname, zlr_data TYPE REF TO data. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <zls_key> TYPE any. zlv_fieldname = id_entitytype. IF zlv_fieldname IS NOT INIT...
At the receiving system, set the logical system (LOGSYSTEM) to blank or adapt from the error message. Note : 2595398 - MDG IO ES_IO_REPLICA_BAPIFLD_ADAPT