Member since ‎2015 Mar 10

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Has anyone encountered an issue where a universe simply doesn't pull / use all of the data? I have a universe based on a view in a SQL database. The view only has 8,000 records but when I try to use the data in a Lumira Designer document it gets g...
Is there the ability within any of the SAP reporting / analytical tools that will allow publishing a report or dashboard to the public? For example we have a Lumira dashboard that we want to publish to our website for the public to view and use. Not ...
Has anyone found the correct CSS to change the font size of a Navigation panel in Lumira 2.2? I've tried inspecting the elements but I'm not great at interpreting the results and none of the class combinations I've used so far have worked. I just wan...
I have a Lumira Discovery document with 2 charts - each one with it's own data source. When I set a conditional formatting rule for one of the charts it works great but as soon as I try to set a conditional formatting rule on the second chart the for...
New to Design Studio trying to get a multiple data source filter working. One data source is a list of people and corresponding units (departments). PERSON UNITJOE 100 JOHN 105 Other data sources need to use the department as a filter but t...
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