Hi Experts,We are preparing our app for Apple App store distribution through XCode and to give it to our testers through TestFlight.We have created a custom MDK Client 24.4.1 and use our certificates and provisioning profiles to package the app.The b...
I need to return the CURRENT_USER in an XSA HDI container. The catch is, I need to be able to return this in a UI5 application where site-app-server is used for the fiori launchpad.
All of the information I have seen online works for the appr...
If you have read a couple of my previous blogs you will be able to follow my journey configuring the Fiori Launchapd on XSA. This most recent post presents what I feel is the ideal configuration, allowing the use of multiple MTA's for your applicatio...
I have been having an issue with my Launchpad implementation when enabling UAA in my UI5 app. I hoping I could get some advice on the correct configuration?
The configuration is XSA Fiori Launchpad, Cross MTA, UAA Auth. The UI5 app is referenced b...
Rest assured, it is possible to use SAP Fiori Launchpad Plugins with XSA On-Premise.
It was extremely difficult to find information for this configuration online, to my knowledge there was none available at the time of writing.
As many of the steps...
Hi Anil,Looking at your error, it's a 404 to your component.js. You aren't using my codebase so I cannot be sure where the problem is. This configuration is extremely sensitive, and there could be many sources of error. You will need to recheck every...
Hi Anil,
Unfortunately, your screenshot is not giving me much information to go on. Could you get the detailed error message from the console?
What version of Hana are you running? The provided code was last tested on SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 04 on premise...
Hi Amit,
Thanks for getting in touch. This extension runs against the latest version of UI5 and advises which version each control was deprecated in.
When this extension was first written it was limited to a subset of commonly used namespaces, this...
Hi Manikandan,
It looks like there is a problem with your role collection as we can see the group but no tile. I have a branch containing the code without this restriction to get you started.
Hi Mateusz,
Unfortunately I have not yet worked in SPS05. From the error it appears to be complaining about the module type 'html5', and is expecting 'com.sap.hcp.html5'. This is confusing as the error is referencing a HCP type which is unexpected f...