Dear folks,
I need a help to resolve the below issue.
when I try to print Hebrew language smart form using PDF previewer ( tcode - PDF!), it showing the text in truncate mode but in print previewer screen text is showing fine. Any idea !!! I deb...
I have to add custom fields in Transaction FM_FUNCTION in S4HANA.
Can Anyone tell me what code we've to implement in PAI and PBO events?
Issue Facing :
While I edit the Custom Field and press the save button, It hasn't saved in the table TFKB....
Hi All,
Can anyone please tell is their any function module that calculate the ‘Expiration Date’ when we pass the ‘Date’ and material to it.
I need to implement that FM in custom BAPI.
Hello All,Issue Resolved.Smart Form takes into account the LOCL Printer in Print Preview Mode, which is then taken into account during the PDF preview and does not support the Hebrew language. To display the Hebrew language smart form, we need to mai...
Hi tomas.buryanek,Thanks for the information. Yes, I compared both the forms. The setting and styles are same. I already tried with the local SF but same issue happening. Could you please tell me where i can found "USE_CASCADING" option in Smartform...
Hi sandra.rossi,Thanks for the information. Yes, PDF! function code will trigger the program RSTXCPDF to make a conversion. We're using SAP ECC 6.0 version.I gone to print preview by clicking the Print Preview button to executing the Form program.I g...
Hi Tomas,Thanks for the details but we're using ECC 6.0. So, PDF previewer was triggering the program RSTXCPDF and also i noted this issue happening only for one smart form when I check for another smart form with same language and settings. Its work...