Member since ‎2015 Mar 24

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  • 18 Posts
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Hi Experts, Currently i am working on Developing freestyle SAPUI5 app with OData V4 in Web IDE. Current UI version is 1.71.21 earlier I had worked UI5 with OData V2 and knows to import OData V2 into free style app and initiating OData V2. I hav...
Hi Experts, I am new to CDS Views development, i have developed a simple CDS view and exposed as OData service using annotation. the same OData consumed and created List view report template. I have one filter (customer) KUNNR as a filter, withou...
Hi Experts, I am new to CDS view development, I created CDS view and exposed as OData service through annotations. created facet for object page tabs. i want to add uploadcollection UI element in object page and save in GOS. could you please sh...
Hi Experts, In My TimeSheet V3 enhansment, I need to perfrom some validation on Manual Entry screen, in debug mode i noticed while clicking on "Ok" button in Manaul Entry screen onAdhocOkPress() method calling.i will write code in this method to ha...
Hi Experts, We recently upgraded our Gateway system and My Time sheet and Approve Time sheet apps from V2 to V3 (version 3). when App opening we are getting Error message as below. Title: ErrorMessage: App could not be opened because the SAP U...
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