Member since ‎2017 Feb 07

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Does anyone know about redirect files that can be uploaded by Commerce customer? the file must be smaller than 1 MB in order to be uploaded correctly, my customer's files are larger than 1 MB and when they are splitting the files to smaller one, each...
"In an complex project implementation in which are involved SAP Sales Cloud, SAP Customer Data Cloud and SAP EMARSYS, we have found a very important requirement for the customer not covered. They have been working with SAP CRM on premise for many yea...
Nevertheless, SAP help article Mobile device requirements effective end of January 2021. Can we confirm SAP C4C Sales and Service compatible with IPAD PRO that has M1 processors?
I need to Migrate several Accounts with main address that is not a Bill-To Address. The result is that the Bill-To is automatically checked. Only by adding a second address I’m able to change the Bill-To field of the Main Address.