Member since ‎2008 Sep 18

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Hello, I install the SAP BW4HANA 1.0 SP09/BPC4HANA trial through the microsoft azure cloud in the SAP CAL. BUT CANNOT CONNECT IT TO SAP GUI or ECLIPSE. In sap CAL i created and activated since 1 week an instance. But my question is how to connect mys...
Hello, I install the SAP BW4HANA 1.0 SP09/BPC4HANA trial through the microsoft azure cloud in the SAP CAL. BUT CANNOT CONNECT IT TO SAP GUI or ECLIPSE. In sap CAL i created and activated since 1 week an instance. But my question is how to connect mys...
Hello, I install the SAP BW4HANA 1.0 SP09/BPC4HANA trial through the microsoft azure cloud in the SAP CAL. BUT CANNOT CONNECT IT TO SAP GUI or ECLIPSE. In sap CAL i created and activated since 1 week an instance. But my question is how to connect mys...
SAP GUI for Windows 750 error broken after a clean installation of Oracle VM, and Linux Leap,sap NW7.5, i cannot connect to my server via SAP GUI 7.5 installed on the appserver Netweaver 7.5 this is the message from SAP GUI Connection closed Error: c...
Hello,I install the virtual box on my amd64 machine, and then the "openSUSE-Leap-42.1-DVD-x86_64" and as abap 7.5 on my external disk . using external disk for linux and as abap.By running the command "sudo mount -t vboxsf netweaver netweaver", i obt...