Member since ‎2015 Jan 05

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  • 15 Posts
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Hi,I'm trying to develop a regex pattern to search a string. The string is like 'Aravind.Induchudan'.Whatever before dot can be 3 to 7 characters and whatever after dot can be also 3 to 7 characters.The regex pattern is '[A-Z]{3,10}\.[A-Z]{3,10}'.The...
User id in IT0105 ST0001 was changed for testing purpose. There were some workitems assigned to old user. On next day, I can see those workitems were assigned to new user id and added in table SWWUSERWI. How this happens, any job which does this.
BAPI or function module to update network orders?
Need BAPI or function module to perform ATP check for network orders. Thanks, Aravind
Hi,I created a class method and created a temporary exception CX_BO_TEMPORARY. I used the class method to createa standard task. But when I used the standard task the temporary exception is not coming as an outcome.If you use temporary exception in b...
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