Dear SAP Experts,
We have a particular situation in our Production P03 system. We noticed that Material BOM number range with object name STUEM seems to be exhausted and now we see the somehow there is a functionality where numbers are jumping with...
Dear All,
We have SAP EHS table ESTST which has surprisingly millions of data. I see this table is used to main status management. But we do not have status management updated in our entire SAP EHS setup. So we are not sure how is the table getting...
Dear All,
I have following Business Requirement,
I need to display components with specific details as below for a particular Real Sub.
Below components are maintained in VAT SAP_EHS_1012_022 i.e. Hazardous Ingredients (GHS).
Also I have a co...
Dear SAP Experts,
Recently we upgraded our SAP system ECC 6.0 EHP8/SPS02 to "SPS18".
After the upgrade we noticed that when we create a new value instance with some data and click save the green active check doesn't appear. Instead we have to now...
Dear SAP Experts,
I have requirement as below,
Display substance and relevant columns output. They are part of composition data for a specific Value Assignment. So I use Composition slave group to display output. Plus there are additional criteri...
Hello Christoph,Thanks for sending me your detailed analysis. In the last
few days I was in touch with SAP and we figured out the root cause. Table ESTST
is written when you re-index the data in the Enterprise search and have set
environment paramete...
Thanks for the reply Sunil. In STKO the latest number is 99994165. The maximum we can keep is 99999999. The last
BOM number 99994165 was created few weeks back. So it likely looks like we have
exhausted the internal number range. But in SNRO for STUE...
Hello Christoph,Thanks for the reply.1. Business has no special rights. 2. In ESTST table we have ERROR and SCCSS. This is what we don't know where is this coming from?3. I understand the status management of Recipe Management is different that Speci...
Hello Tam Tam,You may go and check transaction CG5Z to understand further. When you double click on the status you will get further details. Please check if WWI server is up and running. Also check if WWI RFC is working fine. May be you can get a clu...