Member since ‎2013 Jan 30

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Hi, we get every day a work file which includes a start and and end period (YYYYMM) in each record. I try to split it into different records for each period. This comes xxx;yyy;201903;201905;zzzaaa;bbb;202001;202004;ccc this I want xxx;yyy;2...
Hi,we use Google Big Query as a supplement to our SAP BW. For the data transfer we use BODS. We would now like to store the environments separately using the system configuration in the same way as for the SAP systems. Apparently in the tables themse...
Hi all, I tried to setup a new Group for the user and group administration. 1. I have create a new access level where login to CMC and view object was enabled, also Add or edit user Attribures. 2. Setup top level for groups and user to the new ...
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