Dear community,
I was following the Tutorials:
but I am stuck at Step 2.
Once I create the Project View, I cannot activate the View since I have some problems wit...
Regarding Item versioning, I have met an issue comparing one or more versions of the same Item since there is no standard functionality to easily achieve it from the original Item view (involving "Reviews" and "What-If" adds complexity from my point ...
Hi Sunil,to provide CF roles to platform users the only option is to use CF CLI command. However, if you don't want to develop your own wrapper API layer you can leverage the Automation Pilot service and its APIs. Automation Pilot will execute the co...
Actually it does make a difference because I need to manipulate also the Items. If I delete the associations I don't think that I will be able to have them in my request (write) or response (read).
Hi Chakravarti, Actually I can see some differences from the Sample Code that look weird, why are you defining more than one servlet? You should adjust only the CMISProxyServlet with your repository name and key to let the proxy works. Regards, Matte...
I have followed the Help documentation myself in the past without problems. Can you confirm that the URL you are accessing is the same Application URL that you can find within the cockpit of the Java application deployed as proxy bridge?
In the...