Member since ‎2015 Sep 12

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I am using serial number C . But during confirm WT no screen to enter the serial number . GR cannot proceed if no serial number . Attach. Appreciates1.pngs2.png your input
When confirm WT the request qty is 20 EA and the stock available in HU1 = 10 EA and Hu2 = 10 EA . The desktop confirmation not taking the HU one at a time and no auto change the actual qty .Instead give error dest HU. Any rectification need to be don...
Hi Expert, Does anyone know the setting of timing for screen saver in RFUI or logoff resources from RFUI timing ? Appreciated. Thanks
Hi All, I have SPED tirggered HU from Handling Unit Manage Plant (Outbound) to non handling unit manage plant (Inbound) How can we deactivate not to copy HU for in Inbound if the plant is non Handling unit manage Plant
Automatic Posting Change upon Warehouse Task Confirmation In some SAP EWM processes, the system automatically triggers posting changes when a warehouse task is confirmed. In this case, the posting change always takes place after the warehouse task is...