Member since ‎2015 Feb 24

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Join us at SAP TechEd Barcelona! Everyone in your company is talking about the intelligent enterprise, automated processes, and the empowerment of employees with the help of intelligent technologies like machine learning? And you don’t know how to b...
Only with a few hours of sleep the 20+ female STEM students and also the five tech coaches, who also stayed over night, started into the second day and the last 14 hours of the SAP InnoJam `Apps for Fashion’: Smart In-Store Experience for Fashion: De...
Day 1 of the first SAP InnoJam Fashion with more than 20 female students from German universities was hosted by University Alliances at SAP Headquarters, Walldorf, Germany.InnoJamers and CIO Helen Arnold.The event was kicked off in the morning by SAP...
A new SAP InnoJam is coming up, which will take place from Tuesday, May 12th until Wednesday, May 13th.This time it is all about fashion! Participants will deal with the theme “Apps for fashion” meets Germany’s next Topmodel. 24 female students are i...
„Ich habe heute eine Fasion-App für Dich!“Unter dem Motto „Apps for Fashion“ und im Kontext „Big Data im Modebusiness“ bietet SAP 25 Studentinnen deutscher Universitäten und Hochschulen die Gelegenheit in kleinen Arbeitsgruppen einen einzigartigen Ap...
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