Hi Experts,
I found that CAP's built in type Decimal(precision, scale) does not validate `Scale`/`Precision` properly.
When inserting to an entity having decimal like:
entity Book : cuid {
price : Decimal(5, 2);
with value
Hi experts,
I have developed a multi tenant app for a certain business usecase. I wish to know if there is anyway I could deliver the service to a customer without creating tenant sub-accounts in my global account. The customer has their own global...
I am trying to automate creation of `API business hub enterprise` applications and adding custom attribute to it using APIs from https://{apibhubenterpriseURL}/odata/1.0/data.svc/.
While attempting to do so, I noticed that `https://{apibhuben...
Hey experts,
I have been trying to deploy an app generated using "generator-saphanaacademy-cap". But have been hit with an error when trying to do a transaction to an external service accessed via destination.
I have the destination configured...
Hi Experts,
I have developed a CAP NodeJS multi-tenant (based on SAP HANA Academy yeoman generator) app that require certain services from on-premise system. The app runs perfectly in multi-tenant mode when using destination service (via internet a...
Hi Sebastian,Is there any way I can track the progress of the issue?What would be the estimated time required for this issue to be resolved in a new CAP NPM release?Thanks,Jerin Jacob
Hi Sebastian,Thanks for confirming that. I found this issue in a BTP Prod subaccount where CAP server is connected to SAP Hana Cloud. When attempting to push the value `1300.00`, it responded back with
`"message": "numeric overflow: Failed in \"PRI...
I got in touch with SAP support and was able to fix the issue.`It seems that some destination (not necessarily the one you are referencing in your code) is corrupt and has no URL`One of the destinations in the subaccount (not referenced in my app) wa...
Thanks Gregor, for the wonderful blog!As the blog suggests, I had to add connectivity as a dependency to the 'srv' app. Also, I used a custom event handler for https://{consumer}-srv.${default-domain}/mtx/v1/provisioning/dependencies; and thus had to...