(Versão em Português - This blog has an English version)
Faz tempo que não escrevo... e sobre este tema estava para escrever há meses, mais especificamente desde o final de 2020. Tive a oportunidade de falar sobre SAP Intelligent RPA em 2 eventos da...
I haven't written in a long time ... and I was about to talk about this topic since the end of 2020. I had the opportunity to talk about SAP Intelligent RPA in 2 community events, being Inside Track Fortaleza in 2020 in which I showed a small demo an...
My first Blog it Forward, I was tagged by douglas.cezar10 , my community friend whom I truly admire. So lets go.
About me
My name is Fausto Motter, I was born in São Paulo, in 1979, and I’ve been living here since then. Honestly, it’s hard to say whe...
This blog was originally written in Portuguese, and can be read here
What could we call the Inside Track Rio de Janeiro? Inside Track "Marvelous City"? Inside Track "The most beautiful city in the world"? Inside Track "going there on Friday and on...
Como poderíamos chamar o Inside Track Rio de Janeiro? Inside Track "Cidade Maravilhosa"? Inside Track "Cidade mais bonita do mundo"? Inside Track "vai para lá na sexta e só volta na segunda"?
Seja lá como quiser chamar, o #sitRIO2019 já tem data, ...
Hi Jelena! Is very good to receive your feedback.
This tool must be more explored... there are a huge number of opportunities to catch -- and in my point of view, talk about Autonomous Enterprise without talking about RPA does not make sense. Is like...