Successfully instantiated a Predictive Analytics 3.2 - openSAP Demo Instance
Able to exercise all the demos using the Predictive Analytics Desktop
Able to Connect to HANA using Eclipse on the Windows Desktop
**** UNABLE to logon to Predictive F...
Daniel, I appreciate the blog and explanations behind each of the scenarios. Very helpful!
One observation with your blog and many others on this topic is that the ODP_SAPI Datasource scenarios are never discussed. It's either SLT Tables or straight...
I have struggled with understanding the "pros" of HDI myself. Ever since i came to learn from SAP that XSC will be going away in the future I started immersing myself in the HDI/XSA/Cloud Foundry/WebIDE concepts to full understand the differences to ...
Great one-stop-shop resource to illustrate SAP's data management strategy. Thank you for authoring.
A consistent theme throughout this blog any many of the new SAP Cloud Platform offerings (HANA Cloud and Data Warehouse Cloud) in this spac...
Thanks for sharing. I want to facilitate the RODBC connection using the hdbuserstore connection instead of using clear text username and password but i am struggling to find the correct syntax. I successfully connected to HANA using the RODBC:...