Hello Experts,
SAP Version - SAP B1 9.1 pl 05
I have created DI API application to update customer master along with contact person and it is working fine. But only for one customer it is showing error as - "This entry already exists in the follo...
Hello Experts,
I am using 9.3 PL05 with multi-branch functionality. I have checked "Enable Filtering Mechanism by Branch" option in General Settings, still, users can access other branch series at find mode.
I have tried "Enable Data Ownership" ...
Hello Experts,
SAP 9.3 PL5 , used advance G/L account determination. Branch is enabled.
While creating GRN or Delivery use face following error, even after G/L account is appearing for all rows -
"Cannnot proceed: define inventory account for w...
Hi experts,I have created mailing addon which have crystalreport 10.5 assemblies.Addon is installed on 3 client server with GO-GLOBAL out of which 2 servers are working absolutely fine but for one server addon only start if SAP run as administrator. ...
Hello Experts,I am using SAP B1 9.1 PL 4.When I try to find in any document or use CFL, find mode window open in normal mode. Each time I have to goto View->Fit Column Width to view form in proper manner.Is there any setting or SDK code that by defau...
Thanks for your help jesper.magnusson ,Rest entries are getting updated and this entry is also getting update from SAP UI. I have tried the related tables but got nothing.Regards,Zuber Kazi
Hello Mekhala P,Problem with OITW, it contains items with all warehouse onhand quantity.You have to join warehouse code of T1 with WhsCode of OITW T3 likeOITW T3 ON T1.[ItemCode] = T3.[ItemCode] and T1.warehouse=T3.WhsCodeRegards,Zuber Kazi
Yes, SAP b1 licences depend on version and even on your patch level. You have to change your license file too with upgrading SAP b1. Regards,Zuber Kazi