Hi all,When Launching Bex query into Web browser from BEx Analyser it's giving this error message. We are using Bex 3.x tools. Technical Information for Message: Error loading template 0ADHOC Notification Number BRAIN 276 Any help will appreciate...
Hi ,When loading flat file into cube we are getting error as " A newer version of data type "/BIC/VZS700SALIT" was found than one required"How to resolve this error?Thanks,
Hi Carlos, Yes, We are using legder Z4 for Mexican reports!. We use our fiscal calendar for all G/L postings(4-4-5).Can we still use RPFIGLMX_EACCOUNTING? or Can we modify the standard report to get balance from special ledger? should we have to cr...
Hi Carlos, We are using classic ledger(GLT0) with fiscal calendar period, So report RPFIGLMX_EACCOUNTING shows account balance as per fiscal calendar year. Do you have any suggestions to fix this issue?Thanks,Suba
Hi Amit, I am trying to make this reports work Under CAPACITY MANAGEMENT - Availiablity Vs. Allocation , but it's not working for us. I have activated the templates in BW, .We used our central BW systems to turn on the PPM cubes. Should i make any ...