Hello,Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I tried to create the HIS_TUKIN table with the schema. But it always fails with the following error."sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near: line 5 col 21 (at pos 136)"If I remove all CS_ types, I can ...
Hello,Unfortunately, the EF Core scaffolding only has command line options. It doesn't has GUI tool. Is it possible to use the combination of schemas and tables to scaffold your model? I mean you could add the referenced tables using table options. C...
Hello,Yes, you can just specify several tables to scaffold the model (e.g. the 3rd example).The first error looks like some tables are owned by different schemas. The second error looks like REF_SSBP table doesn't have primary key.Kind regards,Mingha...
Hello,Which client version are you using? Did you specify the "Current Schema", schemas, or tables? Here are some examples:1. Install the Visual Studio PMC tools or the .NET CLI tools. Follow instructions of "Prerequisites" onhttps://learn.microsoft....