Member since ‎2015 Mar 17

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Hello, I have an UI5 (html module) app consuming an OData service (node module) in XSA. In my html module's xs-app.json, I use "route" for "authenticationMethod" and use "xsuaa" for "authenticationType" in the routes. The problem I've observed ...
I have a question: Is there a way to access calculation view from another MTA (or another HDB module basically) through synonym? Synonym works for me when accessing tables, views, but not for calculation view. From this post, it says synonym is t...
Due to a requirement that I have to downgrade my Web IDE for SAP HANA from HANA 2 SPS 3 to HANA 2 SPS 2. The way how I downgrade Web IDE is: 1) Uninstall the Web IDE xs un...