Member since ‎2016 Nov 09

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  • 6 Posts
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We are using an OData service to call BAPI_SALESORDER_SIMULATE. For very large orders (1000+ lines) many messages can be returned in the parameter table MESSAGETABLE. We would like to return these messages to the consumer/caller of the service but ho...
I've been asked if we can keep a log of all requests (and responses) coming to our Gateway system. Not just the URI but the entire content of header and body. We don't want to store the information indefinitely but maybe going 30 days back or somethi...
We have a lot of "green" entries in the application log on our Gateway system. Does every single request to an OData service through the Gateway result in an entry in the application log? Can this somehow be changed? It seems unnecessary with all...
We have a whole bunch of RFC-interfaces from various systems into SAP that we want to convert into OData services, but... Should we choose OData V2 or OData V4? The obvious choice would be to start using the latest version right from the beginnin...