I am using CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER to display an image (using an URL) in GUI. The image is displayed within a black frame inside the container (CL_GUI_CUSTOM_CONTAINER).
Does anyone know how to control the size of the image in the container (e.g. how to...
Dear all,
I created a CDS view based Fiori list report.
The CDS view has a calculated field (virtual element; determined by a class using the '@ObjectModel.virtualElementCalculatedBy:'). Another field of the same CDS view is used in the calculati...
Dear all,
I am not able to display an image (UI5 logo in the example). Could someone help what the problem can be (the alert is working)?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta charset="U...
Dear all,What I did:1. I created a transient subnode under the ROOT node of a custom business object (for /SCMTMS/TOR)2. I created a determination with type 'T' (Derive Instances of Transient Subnodes) in order to fill the transient subnode.3. Regene...
Dear all,
When the inbound delivery is created (in EWM) from the inbound delivery notification, the quality inspection is planned and in relevant cases the quality inspection document is created.
The inbound delivery notification is created au...
Hi Bartosz,thanks a lot for your reply.I meant to control the display of the image within ABAP using the mentioned class. If it is not possible, I will have to "wrap" it as you suggested but I would like to avoid that.
Go to the 'Status' tab of the sales order header and click on the 'Object status' button.Then use 'Extras > Change Documents > All' to display the history.
If you can replace BAPI_PO_CREATE with BAPI_PO_CREATE1 then your problem is solved, because you can use the BAdI. I can see that there's already an IDOC_INPUT_PORDCR1 which uses the BAPI_PO_CREATE1. In case you cannot replace the old BAPI, you need ...