Member since ‎2011 Jan 30

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  • 139 Posts
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Hi Experts, While trying to trigger the custom ppf action definitions for labels at the time of WO creation for Outbound delivery order using tcode: /SCWM/PRDO the standard structure: /SCWM/PWO_COM_I was accessed for some custom fields. As per m...
Hi Experts, Post upgrade the attributes or functions which was available under the "Service of Objects" are not reflecting now. Post upgrade: I added SD_SWU_ACTIVE = 'X' under the user profile->own data Parameter Tab. Still none of the param...
Hi Experts, I have a requirement of increasing the HEIGHT of the ROWS in an ALV output. Now the output shows the default Height, but as per pour requirement we need to increase the HEIGHT as well. Can you kindly share some solutions or sample ...
Hi Experts, I am new to HANA views. I tried creating a Calculation view in HANA Studio using 3 tables. But it is not working, when I click on Data Preview the input parameter pop-up is not coming. I created 4 Input Parameters of each view as shown ...
Hi Experts, I have a requirement to translate MB51 ALV List output header text from English to Chinese when the user logs in using Chinese Lang. This can be achieved through Implicit Enhancement, but we dont want to add custom code into the stand...