Member since ‎2014 Dec 23

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Hello Experts, I am doing a simple demo app , MasterView contains items and when any item clicked same item will be shown on detail view. Issue: able to navigate to details view from master view. but data which is selected in master view is not g...
Secnario : I need to create an Open ODS view(Virtual Data) in BW4HANA and write a sql script logic to do some calculations ? am thinking of 2 Options : 1. Write sql script on top of Open ODS . Dont Know if this is possible in BW4HANA itself. ...
I have display pop up based on some condition in VA01 only When user press ENTERCode works good pop up displayed. but The issue is as it will display multiple times as USEREXIT_CHECK_VBAP is triggered more than once when u press ENTER. executed multi...
Please explain   Sales planning steps . where the data come from where it ends ?