How to remove lock entry in sm12 transaction programmatically.
Scenario : I
call function 'enqueue_table_sample'. " creating lock in sm12.
if sy-subrc = 0. "no other user locked table_sample
call function 'dequeue_table_sample'. " i...
Hello Everyone,
A table XYZ is getting locked so i cant able to update records in table XYZ sometimes. i wanted to know which process/report/job is locking it and how much time it is been locked and what are the records been inserted while its been...
untitled.jpgHi All,
I am trying to create lock object with lock mode V, i am getting error.
Lock mode V for table XXX is not allowed
Lock object XX is inconsistent
Please find screen shot.
With Regards,
Hello All,
I am using DO End Do while i am executing enqueue and dequeue.
loop it into wa.
do x times.
enqueue. (table enqueue by write mode)
if- sy-subrc <> 0.
x = x + 1.
update table(Customized table)
Hello All,
I have a function module having update statement, and i tried to execute the same FM from 2 sessions by keeping breakpoint at update statement.
In first session record updated in table, for second session sy-subrc = 4, since there is s...
Thank you all for your efforts, I will agree with you people that deleting locks will make data inconsistency.I am not locking whole table BTW, i am locking based on 4 parameters. table is related to production so, many 3rd party tools in shop floor ...
I agree 100% with you both, but my table is getting updated for every 5 sec , if one job stuck, thousands are in waiting and this causes great disorder and confusion.any way how to find what is blocking?? so that i can find reason for the block.Many ...
Hello Rashid,Based on time count will be increased, if date change count will start over from zero.In fact I have not worked on number ranges, but will it be generated from zero, one, two so on.... and when time change(12:00:00 to 12:00:01) number r...
Hello S Nalluri,Found its very useful, but one doubt..We are having two jobs executing parallel in same date with same time, it might not work, because If this class is generating unique key using date and time.Please correct me.BR,Praneeth Ch.
Hello Gaurav,If you take N number of sessions, and keep break point at insert, all sessions will try to update same record having same count, only one will be inserted rest will lost...I have tried to use write lock, but record is missing to update i...