Hi,I want to change the UoM Group for some of my item but its grey out and not allowing to change. Why its become gery and how can I change it as there is nothing in stock. See attached image
HiI have checked there is no open sales order , no open purchase order, no stock in warehouse 03, no open stock count , no document drafts report related to warehouse 03 but still it’s not allowing me to inactive warehouse 03. Please advise
I have create Item AP invoice on today date, raise AP credit note for that full AP invoice on today date. Then run purchase analysis report. (Quantity column will show zero) How can I get rid of these zero quantities.
Hi All,I am looking for a Format Search which warn the user before adding AP Invoice if Posting Date on AP Invoice = System Current Date. Is it possible?
go to help -> support desk -> Restore -> Restore item BalancesLeave the code fields empty and press ok, it will take some time and update all the quantity.Now try to inactive warehouse
Hi, in my live system I have raise credit note against few big supplier invoices and now when I am trying to run purchase analysis report its showing me lot of products with zero quantity. Now my report is coming on 6 pages of zero quantity and then ...