Hi everyone,I had this problem last year and couldn't be solved.I guess my scnId is JaimeRodriguez https://community.sap.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/299But the gameboard says it doesn't exist https://devrel-tools-prod-scn-badges-srv.cfapps.eu...
Hi everyone!I'm trying to develop a RAP application with an action to change the status that has as an input parameter to specify the status.The parameter abstract entity is like that:define abstract entity ZD_ChangeStatusP
Hi everyone,I'm trying to include an existing BDEF into another.I'm trying to create a generic Address object that I can use in multiple BOs:The /RHP/R_Address has its behavior definition, I'd like to link it from /RHP/R_Location.I could create an un...
I have three users linked to Universal ID (S user for my company, and two personal P and S)I made a lot of tutorials with the S company user and I was thinking of using this same user for Devtoberfest and TechEd, but when I joined this group using th...
Hi everyone,
I have the next table
| 1 | 001 | TEXT1 | 01/02/2023 |
| 2 | 001 | TEXT2 | 02/02/2023 |
| 3 | 002 | TEXT3 | 03/02/2023 |
I need to build a CDS that returns me the last changed ...
The calendar it's a nightmare... So to find the release date for a product, I need to filter by text and moving month by month, or going to the "Maintenance Deliveries" tab which only displays a year and in small boxes by quarter, I can't search/filt...
Hi @Setu_Saxena I did all the steps (services enabled, configurations done, roles created and assigned...), checked we have the last patch (2023 FPS01), even I deleted the personal configuration for the user, but the My Home is empty: