I have activated Malware scanning in Integration Suite:Then I have uploaded a Ransomware JAR into a script Collection:The source of the Ransomware is from here:PanagiotisDrakatos/JavaRansomware: Simple Ransomware Tool in Pure Java (github.com)I am wo...
Dear all,i am wondering about a good OpenAPI/Swagger/JML validation. Google APIGEE has implemented already many years ago the OAS Valication Policy. There is a Blog that describes a work around but the JavaScript at least throws an error for me that ...
Hello all,I have created a service instance for accessing Cloud Integration via API:When I am accessing the token (e.g. via Postman) I see following scopes are granted:If i am granting all authorizations to the process integration instance, I am gett...
I am currently discovering API Management. My idea is to connect the APIs via Certificate to the iflow. My first setup went very good. I have followed the relevant steps from this blog.
Now i have following two API Providers:
The first one wit...
I am very new to API Management in Integration Suite and i have a problem that i cannot add any policies into an API Proxy.
The screen looks like this - and i can zoom in / out - but the tails for the policy steps remains truncated and i am also n...
I guess you have to tell us a bit more about your scenario. When you talk about WE19 isn't it the transaction to upload IDOCs for test purpose? What kind of communication do you have for your outbound IDOC? It's really "ALE" - mean you send it to ano...
Hi,it's a problem that i know very well. The signature of the XML-RFC is somewhere cached and i haven't yet found a way to invalid the cache. You have to rename the communication channel that is used - than it's works again. Just a new activation of ...
Hi @manemahesh for IDOC it would be technical possible - as long as maintain correctly the Adapter Specific attributes. But now it comes already to a problem - you need to have the Logical System in those Adapter Specific attributes that the IDOC Ada...
Hi RamuSAP_PROXY_ESR is only to connect to ESR for design time. What you have to respect for Proxy communication that you are able to reach SLD (transaction SLDCHECK and if needed SLDAPICUST). And the flow on the runtime is setup in SXMB_ADM --> inte...
I am knowing very well this problem. But maybe to understand the concept of SAP with IDOC and Extension Types:Once you have released a type, you normally never unrelease it - if you are doing an innovation, you supposed to inherit to a new version wh...