Dear Customer,from SAP ABAP side the catalog usage is determined by the OCI standard. This describes all possible functionality and also the format of the sent and received data. You can find it here:
Hi Bear,you can assign catalogues to the users individually and also to the OrgUnits which can be inherited for the user.If this is not an option you can use the table HRP1000 to find the OrgUnit of the user and the table HRP1001 to find the next lev...
Hi Rafal,is the mentioned "Open Catalog Interface (OCI).pdf" the following documentaiton? pdf contains all necessary specification what ...
Hi Bernward,do you mean, if you click on a link you want to open the item details?If yes, than it depends on the catalog. If it can handle such an URL, you can maintain this in the SRM.Best regards,Anita
Hi,the catalog connection happen in /SAPSRM/IF_PDO_SO_CATLGSEARCH~VALIDATE_CATALOG_ITEMHere you can check the errors:catalog_not_foundconnection_failedvalidation_not_supportedCX_SY_REF_IS_INITIALOTHERSIf the item is not found, this belongs to OTHERS....