I had the same problem and I will share the solution I've provided to solve it.TYPES: BEGIN OF type_line, matnr TYPE mara-matnr, charg TYPE mcha-charg, END OF type_line, type_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF type_line WITH DEFAULT KEY .D...
It helped a lot. thank you for that. In the way to contribute to the solution, I will share my code as well. I got a different situation when (in this example) the date field, a dynamic value has been settled, like the image below.And the code:DATA: ...
It worked properly and I would like to leave the code to contribute to the resolution. METHOD get_photo . DATA: exists TYPE char1, connect_info TYPE toav0, length TYPE int4, message TYPE bapiret2, documen...
Hi,I guess there are a lot of ways to handle it however I developed a simplified model that I believe is a good solution.TYPES:
BEGIN OF ty_result,
po TYPE ekko-ebeln,
ccode TYPE ekko-bukrs,
uname TYPE ekko-ernam,
END OF ty_result,...